Thursday, February 5, 2009


The internet is overwhelming. What started out as an indestructible networking system for military use, turned into a multipurpose system for citizens. The internet can be used as a medium to express one’s opinions in a blog sense, a place to chat with other people, a way to keep in contact with relatives, a mailbox, and personal shopping centre. Can you escape the internet in this day and age?

I am a student at the local college in Kelowna, and in order to keep up with assignments and class readings I need to have access to the internet. This is a perfect example of technology being mandatory in our culture. I believe that we get so caught up in the excitement of new technologies that we forget about other priorities in our lives. But, as the internet has shown us, we can incorporate our obligations in life into the cyber realm. We can pay our bills on line, we can send letters to friends and family, and we can shop 24/7.

The internet has provided a system that doesn’t require the person to unplug for any reason. We can order in food from the computer and keep up in school and have a conversation over msn. I fear that our thirst for instantaneous gratifications will come back and haunt us soon. As I have already stated in many of my other articles, I am worried that the real world will become lost and cyberspace will fill the gap. The movie Walle explains this concept even further. Once we ruin our world because of our lack of consideration for the planet, we will go live on a space ship and plug ourselves into screens for the rest of our lives. I do realize that this is a kid’s movie, but it seems to catch onto the theme that we are heading for a new ultimate reality within cyberspace. I want to get out of my chair right now and stop writing this because I am being a hypocrite. I am preaching about how disgusted I am with people who spend most of their days online, and what am I doing right now?! I am typing away on the internet, while listening to music, and glancing at my cell phone wondering when my boyfriend is going to call. Everyone, myself included, relies too much on technology. We are plugged in, too much of the time. I urge readers to turn off the noise of technology because sooner or later we will regret it if we don’t.